What is the Yemen crisis?
More than 9 years, conflict has raged inYemen, subjecting its people to physical danger, displacement and hunger.
Over 21.6 million people in Yemen are in desperate need of help, and more than half of them are children. They do not have enough food and lack access to clean water and good healthcare.
About 17.6 million people in Yemen do not know where their next meal will come from, with nearly half of all children suffering from moderate to severe stunting.
Nearly 80% of the population live below the poverty line, while 2.7 million women and 5 million children under 5 will require treatment for acute malnutrition in 2024.
The situation is getting worse, and more and more people are expected to need help urgently. Yemen is one of the most food-insecure countries in the world. Even though there have been some small improvements in food availability, malnutrition has actually gotten worse.
The lives of millions of children and their mothers in danger. If severely malnourished children do not get the right treatment, they face a 30 to 50% risk of death.
The crisis extends beyond just food and malnutrition. Less than half of the country’s health facilities are working, and they do not have the equipment they need. The water system is also in bad shape, making it hard for people to stay healthy and clean.
In addition to these challenges, over 8.6 million children need education assistance, and less than half of them are receiving the education they need.
In 2022 alone, we reached over 3.4 million people through interventions such as food aid, water and sanitation, healthcare, and livelihood support.
Islamic Relief is working with the World Food Programme to distribute food and cash vouchers across Yemen, helping ensure more than 2 million people every month have enough to eat. We have also supported thousands of people through various livelihood projects and health projects.
We have treated hundreds of thousands of malnourished children and pregnant women and have provided blanket supplementary feeding to children under 5 and pregnant and lactating women.
We have supported and strengthened 188 health facilities, enabling medical staff and nurses to provide vital care to those in need.
We have improved the lives of hundreds of thousands of people by enhancing water supply systems, constructing latrines, providing hygiene kits, and conducting awareness campaigns.
And we support thousands of children through orphan sponsorship programme, as well as child protection activities and counselling to help them cope with trauma.
With your help Amanah Relief can do even more for the people of Yemen. As conditions continue to deteriorate, more and more people are in need of support.
Your kind donations enable Amanah Relief to continue our life-saving work in Yemen
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