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92 Bowery St., NY 10013

+1 800 123 456 789

Syria crisis

More than a decade of live-saving support

Amanah Relief is supporting Syrians to help build a better future.

Since 2012, we have been working to deliver wide-ranging humanitarian programming in Syria and to assist refugees in neighbouring countries.

We have supplied emergency food aid to more than 1.5 million people and helped nearly 1 million people survive the harsh winter by providing fuel, food and other essential items.

More than 3 million people have received food packages through Amanah Relief’s Ramadan and qurbani distributions, and thousands of children have been supported by our orphan sponsorship programme.


Minimum price: kr 1.00

Maximum price: kr 5000.00

Surviving Syria

13 years of suffering and endurance

For 13 years, crisis has raged in Syria, causing untold damage to the country, its infrastructure, and most importantly, its people.

Coupled with inflation and the increase of commodities around the world, the crisis has left much of the Syrian population in crippling poverty. Integral infrastructure, such as the banking system and hospitals, are on the brink of collapse.

13 years of suffering have left more than 16 million people – 70% of the country’s population – in need of humanitarian aid.

Life is made bleaker still by catastrophic climate-related incidents. Drought and flooding have given rise to deadly cholera outbreaks which threaten all 14 governates of Syria.

The 3 devastating earthquakes of February 2023 have taken the lives of thousands, and further devastated the country’s fragile infrastructure.

Recovering from the latest disasters will be a long and arduous process, but Islamic Relief – which has been supporting the people of Syria since 2011 – is committed to do all we can.

One of the largest charities still operating in Syria, Islamic Relief is also active in several neighbouring countries, where many Syrian refugees rely on our assistance.

Our far-reaching programming includes distributing much-needed food aid; supporting healthcare and education systems on the brink of collapse; and helping uprooted families survive the harsh winter weather.


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